Trust between company management and staff is established from the moment someone joins the company, for which Fonderia Morini’s preferred approach is internships for high schoolers and the opportunities these offer to the company as well as to future workers.
From internships to being hired in the company
By welcoming high school students through internships, Fonderia Morini's goal is first of all to help young students understand what "business climate" means and teach them how to deal with their colleagues in an appropriate manner.
Naturally, this goal is accompanied by that of gradually selecting young personnel who will then be onboarded into the company. In the last ten years, many have had training experiences of various kinds at the Cotignola company, and almost all of them remained to work there, becoming an integral part of its current staff.
Luca Morini on internships for high-schoolers and company growth
Luca Morini (President of the Fonderia Morini Group and CEO of Fonderia Morini) and his brother Enrico Morini (majority shareholder of the Group) have seen the company grow and achieve today's results, watching different generations of young people become part of the staff through various training opportunities.
In an interview for Fonderia Morini's YouTube channel, Luca Morini discusses the importance of the business climate and the choice to invest in internships for high schoolers.